Setup OpenVPN server

Create new VCN

– it is preferable as a good practice.

You can use existing VCN but when you opening required ports you opening those ports for complete subnet – you want to control to what you opening to the public.

Click – Network/Virtual Cloud Network/Craete VCN

Enter VCN Name
Select Compartment
Define CIDR Block – as in this VCN will be only one or two servers use small subnet ( good subnet calculator is at

Create Subnet for this VCN

Enter Name
CIDR BLOCK – I am using this same as for VCN
Routing Table – you can have different routing tables but only one is active.
Select Public Subnet – you want this subnet to access from outside.

Create Instance

Go to Compute/Instances

Create Instance

Enter Name
Click Change Image ( you need be in this same compartment where you upload image)

Select Availability Domain

Select shape of the server – for installation I am using the smallest shape, as installation is completed and server required additional resources I am adding new resources.

Configure Network setting – check assing Public IP ( you can do this later if you forget add it during setup ). I will suggest to use reserverd IP. In case tomorrow you will reinstall server then you can simple move reserverd IP to second server.
If IP is assing to this server during setup, then it is lost if you delete server.

Add your SSH key – ssh key in format of openSSL – use puttygen to generate key

Select Faulty Domain – there is three domains available

Set IP address for this instance – if you don’t define process will select first availalbe IP from this subnet.

Click Create

Connect server using ssh

ssh root@10.x.x.x - IP address of the server 

Anser license agreement and several questions to initially configure the server.

Server is available at

Admin UI: https://IP:943/admin
Client UI: https://IP:943/

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