Understanding Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Introduction to loadbalancer


  • Brief introduction to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
  • Importance of efficient traffic management in cloud environments.

Section 1: What is a Load Balancer?

  • Basic definition of a Load Balancer in layman’s terms.
  • Role of a Load Balancer in distributing internet traffic across multiple servers.
  • Benefits: Increased reliability, efficiency, and reduced server strain.

Section 2: Types of Load Balancers in OCI

  • Explain the two primary types: Load Balancer (LB) and Network Load Balancer (NLB).
  • Highlight that LB is more traditional and application-aware, while NLB is faster and operates at a lower level (network layer).

Section 3: Deep Dive into Load Balancers (LB)

  • Detail how LB works in OCI: uses a virtual service that decides how to distribute incoming traffic.
  • Emphasize its application-level intelligence: can distribute traffic based on content type, cookies, etc.
  • Use cases: Ideal for websites and web applications.

Section 4: Exploring Network Load Balancers (NLB)

  • Describe NLB as a more streamlined, high-performance option.
  • Operates at the network layer (TCP/UDP), faster because it doesn’t inspect content.
  • Use cases: Suitable for high-volume, low-latency tasks, like real-time data streaming.

Section 5: LB vs NLB – The Key Differences

  • Compare and contrast in simple terms:
    • LB: Application-aware, content-based routing, slightly slower.
    • NLB: High performance, low latency, less about content and more about speed.

Section 6: Choosing the Right Option for Your Needs

  • Guidelines on selecting between LB and NLB based on specific requirements.
  • Factors to consider: type of traffic, performance needs, and specific application requirements.


  • Recap the importance of choosing the right load balancing approach in OCI.
  • Encourage the audience to evaluate their specific needs to make an informed decision.

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