Format Flags: Space, + and (
format position of output text base of flags
s1= String.format("%d",123); s2= String.format("%d",-123); s3= String.format("% d",123); s4= String.format("% d",-123); s5= String.format("%+d",123); s6= String.format("%+d",-123); s7= String.format("%(d",123); s8= String.format("%(d",-123); s9= String.format("% (d",123);
s9 is using combined flags, this way positive value and negative value are align
123 -123 123 -123 +123 -123 123 (123) 123
Argument Index
Not specified
% – start of format string
index$ – index of argument to use (4$ forth argument)
d – type of string ( d – decimal, s – string )
< corresponds to this same value as previous value
s1 = String.format("%d %d %d", 10, 20, 30); 10 20 30 s2 = String.format("%3$d %1$d %2$d", 10, 20, 30); 30 10 20 s3 = String.format("%3$d %<04d %1$d", 10, 20, 30); 30 0030 10