Month: August 2020

MySQL Events

Display events – select database show events Dispaly events from information schema select * from Disable/Enable event ALTER EVENT myevent DISABLE; ALTER EVENT myevent ENABLE;


Secure WP login page ADD to htaccess to restrict access only from specific IP <Files wp-login.php> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from </Files Enable gzip using htaccess <IfModule mod_deflate.c> # Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fonts Read More

MySQL Config Editor

Use MySQL Config editor to save your login cridential and use it in any scripting. Create login-path mysql_config_editor set –login-path=LOGIN-PATH-NAME–user=USERNAME–socket=/tmp/mysql3340.sock -p mysql_config_editor set –login-path=LOGIN-PATH-NAME–user=USERNAME–host=HOSTNAME –port=PORT -p